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Listen to music from Notabene or purchase downloads here :

Amazon, AppleMusic, Deezer, Spotify Tidal, Qobuz en YoutubeMusic

If you want to learn more about the music and hear samples
this website remains a fine place to do so.

Genoeg om handen

Genoeg om handen

A CD-Rom with 35 short pieces for piano written by Jelle van Buuren.
It contains the music itself
and the scores in pdf-format.
Click on the image and learn more.

En nu over ons

En nu over ons

18 titles by Jelle van Buuren,with contributions by Hans Martin Dom,
Jan Pieter van der Giessen
and Alex Rosenhof,

can be heard on this album.
En nu over ons is online since 19.06.2022
in the music portals.



Boekweitstraatbeeld made by Jelle van Buuren on a keyboard with 88 weighed keys, linked to a computer with software instruments.
(P) 28 october 2023.


Stukwerk - Piecework

Made using samples of a Clementi fortepiano from 1892
before its restoration
by Edwin Beunk c.s., Enschede.
Website: fortepiano